Aloha! I hope this Labor Day is a LaborLess Day for you. And if you are working, I hope its a LABOR OF LOVE. I’m going to be working for you, because it is a labor of love for me. I’m also so lucky I can have Bella with me

🌙I know it’s been a whirlwind of a year. I hope you are able to get away, unplug, and RESET! Or maybe you are like me where you are on a STAYCATION to do that. I will be home and will be available for you. Bella and I will be doing gardening, hiking, paddleboarding…whatever our heart flows with ease.

So if you are in the Denver area, maybe this weekend is a great opportunity to get that teeth whitening, face reading or space clearing you’ve been wanting to do but didn’t have time!

✨Whatever you do, make yourself a priority. Celebrate every little win. RELAX.  See the blessings. Laugh. Play. EAT!

After this weekend, its not going to slow, its gonna speed up! We are going to be going through a time of many portals opening for you if you allow it. It’s a time to rekindle your dreams or go after them. September ushers in a season of fresh starts with the new moon and eclipse season amplifying creation energies.

💫Use my Reality Tales technique to guide you. Utilize the interactions and shifts you have this weekend to cross the bridge of possibilities. Then use the INFINITY WALK to walk into your future or find solutions to your challenges right now. Dream BIG, and let’s set the stage for a life you’ve always dreamt of.

✨Amidst the celebrations and hustle, let’s embrace a guilt-free feast with the Skinny60 program’s strategies that don’t just nourish the body but the soul. As you know, I’ve done miracle recovery with my colitis because of this gut reset program. I LOVE food and have strategies to get back on track because of it. 🌈 Dive into deliciousness with recipes that dazzle at any function and any time of the year—find your new favorites on our blog!​

✨Lastly stop comparing to the past or others. Perhaps you aren’t feeling so pretty and beating yourself up for how stressed, tired, and wrinkly you are… Let’s LAUGH out loud with Snoop Dogg at the Olympics (yes, you heard that right!) and LOVE every bit of our fabulous selves. Tap into the joy and empowerment with my latest video that’s all about celebrating our wise cracks in the most entertaining way. 🎥

Your Muse and Spiritual Ninja

Thuy “twee”

My mission is to bring PEACE to your Head, Heart and Home.