✨Dearest Mommy Friend,

Mamahood is HARD. I see you, I feel you.

This week was an emotional week with my seven year old Bella. I have her every other week. This week we tackled “bullies,” being an advocate for yourself, when to ask for help, not being liked, and some other meltdowns. We also celebrated many little wins like her organizing her toys on her own. Bella also got the AMBASSADOR award at her school.Happy Mother's Day Your Argument is Invaid!

This is Mother’s Day weekend and some mom’s shared their weekend plans when I was doing their spray tans and teeth whitening. There’s someone doing a PJ party. Many brunches. Some taking trips.

I find myself reflecting on a memory that, while unexpected, became a profound lesson in the boundless journey of motherhood. Last year, my Mother’s Day began far from the serene morning I had envisioned. Instead, I found myself in the hushed corridors of urgent care with my daughter Bella. It wasn’t the day I had planned, but in those quiet moments of care and worry, I discovered the true essence of being a mom.

Motherhood is an expedition marked not just by the milestones and celebrations, but by the unforeseen challenges and the quiet, resilient love that sees us through them. It’s the early mornings, the late nights, the “I’m okay” when you’re barely holding on. But, it’s also in these moments that we uncover our unwavering strength, our limitless compassion, and the profound joy of nurturing these tiny humans we call our children.

As we step into this Mother’s Day, I want to honor not just the joy and love that motherhood brings, but also the strength and resilience it demands.

flawsomeTo every mom out there, know that you are doing an FLAWSOME job. Amidst the chaos, the unforeseen trips to urgent care, and the quiet victories no one else sees, your love remains the unwavering constant that makes all the difference.

So, this Mother’s Day, let’s celebrate not just the picture-perfect moments, but the real, raw, and remarkable journey of being a mom. Let’s raise our coffee mugs to the quiet mornings, the laughter-filled afternoons, and the peaceful (or not so peaceful) evenings, knowing that in every moment, you are exactly what your children need.

Thank you, moms, for everything you do, often unseen but always impactful. I celebrate you, the unsung heroes of our everyday lives.

Let this day be a reminder of how truly remarkable you are. Happy Mother’s Day! Here’s to celebrating you, your way. I hope you give yourself the gift of self-care, perhaps one of our So You Services: spray tanning, teeth whitening, Chinese face reading, energy healing, and space clearing. YOU ARE WORTHY AND DESERVING!

With love and admiration,

Thuy “twee”

P.S. Here are some funny quote/card ideas for Your mom or other mommy friends. ~Dear Mom, it turns out that you were right about everything.
~I love you Mom even though I’ll never accept your friend request.
~Happy Mother’s Day to my best friend and my cheapest therapist.
~Mom, you deserve the world. But for now, I hope this card will do!
~You’re the best mom ever—just look at me, I turned out amazing!