This is an article I wrote for Frozen Dead Guys Festival. This is the year they are coming back to life with the event. It could also be your year to come back to life and all your dreams to come true! Happening March 18-20, 2022
2022 has SO much potential for you because 22 is the master angel number that means dreams come true.
Energetically this is the start of a new wave for your dreams, I call them hearts desires, to come true. Just like Frozen Dead Guys Days Festival, this is your rebirth.
In all esoteric systems this is huge year. Everything had to happen in the last two years to break down old foundations in order for us to build something greater.
In my Chinese Medicine Practice this year is the year ALL the elements are walking into their home elements: water, wood, fire, earth, and metal. This hasn’t happened in a long time.
This year CAN be the year where you are gifted your powers or be presented all your challenges to do your work. The last two years has presented us with many problems about death and fear. In dying we may be REBIRTH.
We never truly die. What we do lives forever with a legacy. For example, this random dead guy for Frozen Dead Guys Festival! How much joy has he given since it all started!? With the rebirth of this event, there is more love and appreciation.
I’d like to share with you my story of rebirth, which is still unfolding at the moment of this publication. In January 2022, I went to Hawaii for three weeks for my Healing Voyage. I’m in my messy middle of a colitis flare that has decimated my physical body to 10%. On the second day of my trip, I’m hospitalized and need a blood transfusion. On the second week, I need another blood transfusion. This is when I have my out of body experience.
Out of body (OB) and near death experiences (NED) are different. In most cases NEDs die and CHOOSE to come back. My soul just jumped out because it needed to stretch. Both come back changed. Most come back with a message and some gifts.
Anita Moorjani’s NED on 2/2/2006 lead her to change lives and heal her cancer. Her book Dying To Be Me is a life changer. It has helped me understand the love and euphoric vibe that has filled me with my OB experience. Anita’s message coming back was to live fearlessly. My message is to LIVE FULLY.
None of us are guaranteed tomorrow. This isn’t a reason to live in fear. It’s a reason to live fully from your heart.
The following day after my OB I’m filled with clarity and intuition. Two days after my OB I randomly land in a house with a vortex. I knew I was on a different grid because I do space clearings. I felt it immediately when I got out of the car. There is a big picture in this vortex, it spoke to me.
I knew they were the muses. As I stood there I was recharged. That day was 1/22/22. Everyone in my field that day were my earth angels and that was when the muses came to me.
They told me what is going to save us is creativity and art.
Have you noticed the two’s synchronization? We are meant to do this life with others. Your dreams will come true if you vibe LOVE and live a heart centered life. Here are my energetic prescriptions for you.
Did you notice that this is also the sound of laughter? This is to bring in awareness of how much love is out there for you and everyone. Every time you do this, you are depositing in your love bank, the universal love bank.
Doing these small things will increase your vibration to tune you up to the frequency of love. At the frequency of love you can inflect more than 70K people. If you change your frequency, you change your life. You magically attract without force. You become a force.
May all your hearts desires flow to you.