
Is this the year you have promised that you are going to “get healthy”? This was my devotion 2023. As many of you know I’ve had quite the battle with my ulcerative colitis for the last 3 years. I’ve tried so many things…I know for frustrating and dishearten it can be.  My life tuned around when I found the Skinny60 program from Tess Masters, aka The Blender Girl. This program is a game changer and invite you to bet on you and believe you can heal.

Do you have ongoing health issues and you KNOW you need to make some changes, but you don’t know where to start? 

You are not alone. I have had some serious health issues and am and now I’m living the healthiest version of me making better decisions, not perfect EVERYDAY.

There are SO many “solutions” out there promising big wins, and a LOT of conflicting information about what is “right” for better health. 

It can be really confusing, and difficult to know who to trust. And, there is only so much money you have to spend. 

AND, some programs and products are not based in science, and can be dangerous. 

The other problem that I see with a lot of programs is that they are light on personal support. It’s fine to throw you a bunch of information, but without proper and informed guidance, how do you know how to APPLY the information so you can have a true TRANSFORMATION? 

So, I just went to my friend Tess, who has been sharing amazing information about health and nutrition with me for over 20 years, and now has millions of followers because what she shares WORKS! 

I joined Tess’s 60-DAY RESET to get access to her team of dietitians, and I thought I would get some information, healthy recipes, and some accountability. And, I got SO MUCH MORE. 

The thing that sets Tess’s programs apart from any other programs I have seen is the PERSONAL SUPPORT.

Tess and her team get to know you personally on the video calls, and literally help you craft a way of eating that works for YOU and YOUR needs, according to your health status, health goals, and work and family life.  

What happened to people in this latest group has been really incredible and inspiring. Everything from improving gut health and digestion, sleeping through the night, reducing blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels, losing weight, and more! 

And, you need to hear about it because this could be YOU. 

Tess really has a gift for inspiring you, getting you excited about healthy living, and helping you work through the obstacles that prevent you from making better choices. 

And, boy can she cook! (Her recipes are AMAZING.) And, she picks really fantastic dietitians who are not only great practitioners, but are also kind and nurturing. 

Tess and her team will meet you where you are at, and help you every step of the way to make sure you reach your goals. 

Here is my testimonial and what some people said this year:

Julie emailed me: “Thank you SO much for telling me about the 60-Day Reset. It was the best money I have ever spent. You were right. Tess and the dietitians are so incredible. I cannot believe the personal attention they give you. The office hours blew me away. I joined thinking she would give me a two sentence response and move onto the next person. She literally sat there for hours spending time with each participant and helping us all tweak our meal plans, make food that fit with what we liked to eat, get past our emotional challenges, and figure out ways to make the program work for our personality and lifestyle. She helped people go to parties, travel, and deal with picky eaters. I was inspired and motivated listening to her talk to the other ladies in the group. It was really moving. The way she helped each person figure out their path and transform their lives was magical. I feel so lucky to have been a part of this program. This experience has changed my life forever.”

Mona said: “I was scared when I got my labs back. My doctor told me I needed to change my eating but I didn’t know where to start. Your email came at exactly the right time. I signed up, and I am so happy I did because I just did my tests again, and my blood pressure, cholesterol, and A1c are all back within normal ranges in just two months. I looked at the videos on the website from other people and thought that it could not possibly happen for me. But it did. Tess and Meghan gave me so much help. They listened to what my concerns were, and helped me work the program. This is the most positive community I have ever been a part of. Everybody supports you, and you never feel alone. I just loved it.”

Stephanie said: “Finally I’ve found something that works. I have tried so many diets and I could not stick with it. This really worked for me. I thought I could not last 60 days. But, the time went by so quickly because it was so easy. I lost 25 pounds and I feel like I can sustain it because the food is so good. My husband Tony got on board after the first week and lost 30 pounds. We are both sleeping better, and have more energy. We used to eat out a lot, and now we just want to cook at home because the food is better!”

Ruth said: “I don’t have constant aches and pains anymore. I thought I had to “put up with it” because I was 64. Now I know that the food I eat can help me feel better in my body. I am walking the dogs again and went swimming yesterday like I used to. It is wonderful.”

Mary said: “I am sleeping through the night for the first time in years. I thought it was menopause and I was just going to have to put up with being tired every day. I now wake up with energy. I can’t believe what happened because of some simple food changes. I followed their advice, and I don’t have headaches and hot flashes anymore, and I lost 17 pounds and the belly weight that I thought was going to be with me forever. And, I didn’t have to starve myself. I ate really fantastic food whenever I wanted to. I am so grateful. I have my life back.” 

Beth shared this: “I knew I needed to improve my digestion. I looked about 3 months pregnant every day, and had a lot of gas and bloating. I was also constipated a lot. Well all of that changed in the first three weeks. I had regular bowel movements, I wasn’t bloated, and my stomach got flatter. The recipes, the food combining, and learning about hydration, protein, magnesium, and the other things they teach you made a huge difference in my life.”    

There are SO many stories like this. 

I want you to experience the magic of what happens with the 60-DAY RESET.

Enrollment for the July group is open NOW. 

This is a LIVE program where everybody participates together. (It is the personal support that makes this program different.)

Everybody starts on July 15th  and the cycle finishes on Sept 12th.  Pre-week: July 7th-14th

The cut off to join is July 7th because there is a live prep week so Tess and the dietitians can get to know you and your needs, and help you get ready for a full 9 weeks of results.

If you are not feeling good and need to make some changes do not hesitate to join this program. It will be the best money you have ever spent. 

JOIN NOW. Tess and her team can help you. 

If you are feeling tired, bloated, have excessive inflammation, your hormones are out of whack, you’re struggling with aches and pains, you’re not sleeping through the night, or you’re struggling to lose some weight, Tess and her team can help you!  

Join the 60-DAY RESET. 

Tess Masters (The Blender Girl) has millions of people in her community, she has sold over 200,000 cookbooks with Penguin Random House, and over 30,000 people have used her programs to get healthy. 

I know Tess personally, and she is the real deal, and pours into each and every person who joins her live programs. She is such an amazing health coach.

And, she also brings in medical experts to help you, too! 

When you join the 60-Day Reset, you get access to her team of dietitians, and they will get to know you and your needs, and then help you customize your meal plans and routine to make sure you get results! 

THIS is the difference with this program. Tess and her team don’t just throw you a bunch of materials and leave you to “figure it out on your own”. This program happens LIVE, and you have the opportunity to get on live video calls and office hours where you can talk to Tess and her team face-to-face and get the support and help you need.  

Tess has worked with some of the most respected doctors and dietitians in the country to combine the best proven strategies into a simple system that you can continue using while living the rest of your life. 

And, the food is SO incredible. skinny60 whole foods tess masters

Even if you don’t cook much (and are better at ordering takeout), Tess’s recipes are really easy, and taste so amazing that you’re excited to eat them again. And the portions are big, (and there are snacks and desserts) so you never feel hungry or deprived. 

And, YOU choose what you eat. The 60-Day Reset comes with nutrition software so you can customize your meals, snacks, and drinks. And, the program is flexible so you can eat out and travel! And, YES, you can eat with your friends and family. 

NOTE: You are going to get a nutrition education. Tess and her team of dietitians are going to give you the tools and knowledge that you can use to achieve better health for the rest of your life. 

And, you get lifetime access to the materials on the website, so you can keep going back to the recipes, cheat sheets, and videos when you need to. 

The VALUE in this program is fantastic. 

Watch the testimonial videos to see what people say about the support, and take some time to listen to what has happened to other people on this program. It is just extraordinary. 

This could be YOU.  

If you know you need to make some changes in your life to feel better, join the 60-Day Reset, and let Tess and her team of dietitians help you. 

I want you to be the next success story! Sign up today.

I’m excited for you!

Truly, Madly, Deeply
