Denver Life and Happenings

Highlights Denver events, businesses, people, lifestyles

Experience Beauty in 2021 if you were born in 1947, 1956, 1965, 1974, 1983, 1992, 2001, 2010

Aloha! If you were born in the years above, you are going through the 2nd year of your "reaping rewards" metal years. Do not waste it. You are more magnetic [...]

2022-06-05T10:32:29+00:00January 22nd, 2021|

Halloween spirits and removing ghosts from you and your space

Did you know more spirits are active and roam during this time? There is a reason why Halloween, All Saints Day, and Dia Los Muertos  (Day of the Dead) are [...]

2022-06-05T10:55:52+00:00October 2nd, 2020|
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